Russian Prime Minister Mishustin is considering a ban on e-cigarettes


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stated during a national Duma meeting that he will consider the proposal to ban e-cigarettes put forth by the Speaker of the Duma and other representatives.

The proposal to ban e-cigarettes comes after three incidents of death or severe injury of underage individuals due to the use of illegal e-cigarettes since March of this year.

On March 23, Prime Minister Mishustin promised to consider the proposal to ban e-cigarettes and form the government’s stance on the issue. Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin requested the corresponding action from the Prime Minister on March 24.

Volodin stated that he hopes the ban on e-cigarettes can be discussed and receive feedback. He added, “We need to support this proposal and save children.”

Volodin suggested that the government and the Duma work together on this issue.

Mishustin stated on-site that he will consider the issue and the Cabinet will take a position.

Volodin pointed out that children are holding e-cigarette products, but no one knows their harm. He said that the Ministry of Health’s support for the call to ban e-cigarettes is weak, while the Ministry of Finance’s voice is stronger, believing that this (whether to ban e-cigarettes) is related to national fiscal revenue.

The Minister of Health stated that measures that can increase life expectancy and reduce harmful factors are always supported by the Ministry of Health.

Volodin emphasized that this concerns children’s health issues and that teachers clearly hope the government will take corresponding action. Teachers confiscate e-cigarettes from students, but no one knows what harmful substances are contained in e-cigarettes.

The Duma Speaker added, “Considering the issue of children’s health, it is inappropriate to focus on other factors such as ‘how much tax the government can collect from e-cigarettes.'”

Previously, Volodin requested that the Duma’s health, publicity, and youth affairs committee prioritize the study of e-cigarette usage and propose a feasibility plan for the ban. Coordination of this work has been entrusted to the Deputy Speaker of the Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy.

Currently, the Russian “Anti-Tobacco Law” applies to all products containing nicotine, including e-cigarettes and hookahs. It is prohibited to use these products in public places and to sell them to minors.

In addition, it is also prohibited to sell such products to minors, including advertising and promotion to them. Existing laws stipulate that e-cigarette nicotine products with a nicotine concentration exceeding 20 milligrams/milliliter are prohibited from being sold.

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